Friday, January 6, 2017

Christ the Measure - Colossians 2

You have noticed that we talk a lot about Christ in this church.  We make a big deal of him.  The reason for that is that the Bible talks a lot about Christ.  Listen to what Paul has said so far in Colossians alone regarding Christ.

·      Christ is the Son of God's love, 1:13;

·      He is the reason we are forgiven, 1:14;

·      He is God and man in one person through whom we are able to know God, 1:15, 2:9;

·      He created all things, 1:16-17;

·      He is the Head of the Church, 1:18;

·      All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in him, 2:3;

·      He is sovereign over all power, 2:10.

This is just the first chapter and a half of one letter.  The writers of the Scriptures were consumed with Christ because he is the all-sufficient Savior.

The Colossians had been taught that faith in Christ alone is all one needs in order to be in fellowship with God.  They had embraced that and loved that.  As the years (or maybe even months) went on, what invariably happens every happened at the church in Colossae.  False teachers came and taught that faith in Christ alone wasn't sufficient for a fulfilling relationship with God.  Faith in Christ is great, but it is only the beginning.  Yes, you must believe in the Gospel in order to begin your walk with Christ, but you need some special knowledge in order to grow in fulfillment, or you need other intercessors besides Christ, or you must follow a list of do's and don't's in addition to believing in Christ.

"… from his experience [Paul] knows that a work of grace is followed by and attack of the enemy…."  N.T. Wright

The Colossian Heresy, as it's been called, was the age-old heresy that Christ alone cannot be and is not sufficient for you.

I.             The Colossian Heresy, 16-23 (just a taste more later).

A.  The false teachers were very eclectic in their theology; they seem to have borrowed from several different religions.

1.   There was a Jewish element to their teaching

a.    The discussion about circumcision in 2:11-15.

b.   The dietary restrictions, feast days, new moons, and special Sabbaths in 2:16

2.   There was a legalistic element to it, 2:20-21.

3.   There was a gnostic element to it.

a.    Worship of angels in 2:18a.

b.   Special knowledge in 2:18b.

4.   There was an ascetic element to it, 23.

B.  It is important to notice that these false teachers were not saying that the Colossians shouldn't believe in Christ, but that he wasn't sufficient.

1.   Keep this thought in mind as we progress because this is a way of thinking that we often fall prey to.

2.   Though we may never admit it in our formal theology, we often believe in our practical theology that Christ is not sufficient.

C.  Because of Paul's reaction to the Colossians contrasted to his reaction to the Galatians, it doesn't seem that the Colossians had really bought into the false teaching – steadfastness of your faith in Christ, 5b.

II.          Paul Gives the Colossians a Standard, a Measure, by Which They Should Judge Any Teaching, 8.

A.  We have been so immersed in a culture that says that any judgment is wrong that the idea that we are to judge anything makes us shiver.

1.   After all the Bible forbids us from judging, does it not?

2.   The best known verse in the Bible is Mt. 7:1 – "Judge not, that you be not judged."

B.  The problem with the conclusion that we are never to judge is that judging is human, that is, you cannot be a human and not judge.

1.   Even before the fall that was true.

2.   God told Adam, "Eat of these tree and don't eat of this tree."

3.   Adam had to differentiate (judge) between the trees he could eat of the fruit and the one he couldn't.

4.   The problem is not whether we are judging, because we will.

5.   The issue is the standard we use to judge.

C.  We all have standards that we use to judge everything and everyone around us.

1.   These standards, or measure, we use to compare things around us may be thought out or just by default

2.   It may be biblical or unbiblical.

3.   Regardless, we all have an implicit system of measurement through which we examine and judge everything.

a.    It is like a pair of glasses that we put on.

b.   After a while, we don't even notice they are there and yet they determine how we see everything.

D.  The Scriptures teach that we are to be aware that we have these biases.

1.   Even more than that, the Scriptures teach us that we are to replace our own biases with Christ.

2.   Christ is the measure or the standard through which we examine and judge everything, 8.

3.   Notice that he gives us the measure, the standard (2:1-10) before he describes the problem we are to judge (2:11-23).

E.   Today we will that having Christ as our measure encourages our hearts.

F.   In future weeks we will see that having Christ as our measure

1.   rescues us from deceit, 4-5.

2.   breeds contentment, 6-7.

3.   frees Us from the traditions of man, 8-10.

III.       Having Christ as Our Measure Encourages Our Hearts, 1-3.

A.  Paul ended the previous chapter describing what his ministry was, 1:28-29.

B.  Now he grabs that general statement and applies it to the Colossians, 2:1.

1.   Conflict here is related to striving in 1:29.

2.   Conflict, struggle, strivinginvolved physical suffering, but it was mostly a spiritual striving, 28.

a.    Preaching the whole counsel of God.

b.   But also praying hard for the brethren because our biggest problem is spiritual.

Eph. 6:12 – For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

2 Cor. 10:4-6 – For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

c.    F.F. Bruce translates 2:1 as follows:

"I want you to know how great is the contest in which I am engaged for you…."

1)   This is a contest with the world, the flesh and the devil.

2)   Because of what Paul says later, he seems to be referring mostly to the conflict with the world and the devil.

C.  Paul's striving for the brethren as hard as the Lord has given to him to strive because he wants them to be encouraged with the all-sufficiency of Christ, 2-3.

1.   The heart is not just the center of emotions, but also the center of thinking and willing – the center of personality.

"… an encouragement that touches the deepest part of our being and that affects every aspect of our persons."  Douglas Moo

2.   The false teachers that assurance of a relationship with God is in some special knowledge that they, and they alone, can provide, but Paul says that full assurance is only through the Lord Jesus Christ.

a.    Remember that a mystery in the NT is something that was hidden and is now revealed.

b.   The mystery of God is Christ, 1:27.

3.   Notice how important to Paul it is for us to know Christ deeper and deeper.

a.    Full assurance of understanding, 2:2.

b.   The knowledge of the mystery of God, 2:2.

c.    All the treasure of wisdom and knowledge, 2:3.

d.   As you have been taught, 2:7.

4.   He strives, works hard, so that the church may know Christ better because Christ is the only hope we have.

D.  As we keep Christ as our measure to evaluate everything, we will be brought together in love, 2a.

1.   Though faith in Christ may divide a believer from an unbeliever, it will invariably bring believers together.

2.   There is a precious and uncommon union between believers that is a reflection of our union with Christ.

E.   As Paul works hard to establish Christ as the measure of things, he thinks of the Church as more than the local church, 1.

1.   He labors for the Colossians, for the Laodiceans, and for all the saints who have not met him face to face.

2.   That is a good reminder for us.

a.    If our thinking will be determined by the standard of Christ, we will not only think of ways to minister to people in these four walls.

b.   Our vision for ministry will be global.

c.    It will include the people in these four walls, the people across the street, the people in the Tacoma Church, the people in Brazil, and anywhere where the name of Christ is faithfully proclaimed.

3.   You see, if our measure is Christ, things won't be narrower or lesser.

4.   If our measure is Christ, everything, the whole world becomes our playing field.

F.   Notice also that Paul struggles, strives, agonizes to establish Christ as our measure so that the Body of Christ may be encouraged, 1.

1.   He had no malice toward his brothers and sisters.

2.   He wasn't trying to get something out of them.

3.   He was simply trying to encourage them to grow in Christ.

4.   This is great lesson for us on motivation.

a.    Why do we do stuff?

b.   Is at least part of our motivation to encourage growth in Christ in the brethren?

c.    Do you think of the brethren when you are planning life?

IV.        Is Christ really That Big of a Deal?

A.  He is our life, 3:4.

B.  He is our all in all, 3:11.

2 Cor. 1:20 – For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

V.           How Shall We Then Live?

A.     Let's just take the idea of Christ being our measure.

B.     When you leave here today, take with you the idea that Christ is the standard of judgment for everything that you do.

C.     So grab the things you already know about him and start looking at what you do in light of that – examples:

1.   You know that Jesus loves you – how is that going to shape how you interact with your spouse, kids, friends, co-workers, etc.?

2.   You know he is alive and reigning over you – how is it going to affect how you judge what to do in private?

3.   You know he forgave you and proved that by rising from the dead – how are you going to use that as a measure of the way you forgive others?

4.   You can see that goes and you can develop your own grid on how to use Christ as your measure.

D.     Now, there are things you don't know about Christ.

1.   The entire Bible is about Christ.

2.   As Paul said, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in him.

3.   Therefore, in order to use Christ as your measure, you need to know him better.

a.    You get to know him better by serving his people.

b.   You get to know him better by praying to him.

c.    But the primary way to know him is to read his word.

1)   In order to judge well, we need to know well.

2)   In order to know well, we need to study the Bible.

E.      Here are the two take aways: live out what you already know concerning Christ and learn what you don't know.


The false teachers that had infiltrated the church wanted the Colossians to find satisfaction in hidden mysteries.  Paul says that the only mystery they should be concerned about is the mystery of God which is revealed in Christ.

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