Tuesday, July 30, 2013

PRAYER: General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church

Please be in prayer for Pastor Lyro and Elder Anderson as they travel to New York for Synod.  Be in prayer for the Synod as well as they consider various issues for the church.

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Monday, July 29, 2013

CATECHISM: This Week's Memory Work.

First Catechism 
FCQ 9. What is God? God is a Spirit and has no body as we do.

Westminster Shorter Catechism
SCQ 4. What is God? God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.


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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Young Children in Public Worship - Pastor Tito Lyro - Mark 10:13-16

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net or visit us at facebook.com/olympiabp. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 


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Friday, July 26, 2013

Young Children in Public Worship Services


There are some questions that we need to answer regarding young children in the worship services. Why do we want to include children in the public worship of the church? Why do we encourage parents to keep their young children in the sanctuary? Wouldn't our worship services be more reverent and peaceful if the young kids were all somewhere else? After all, they don't really benefit from the worship services anyway. Won't the noise and commotion turn visitors away? How will our church grow if visitors don't stay? We are Presbyterians and want things to do be done decently and in order! 

I. The Bible Teaches That Children Should Be Present in Worship Services. 

A. The Visible Church was instituted with a promise and a sacrament that included children, Gen. 17:7, 9-12 

B. In the Old Covenant, children of all ages were commanded to be in the worship services, Dt. 29:10-13; 31:10-13; Josh. 8:35; Neh. 12:43. 

C. The prophet Joel describes the coming of the Messiah for his Bride, the Church, as a worship service in which the youngest children should be present, Joel 2:15-16. 

D. Remember that all these solemn gatherings of the Old Covenant find their climax on the Christian Sabbath! 

E. Besides the biblical examples and precepts, the theological nature of the Church shows that we should gather as a whole, every part present, FoG 2:2; WCF 25:2. 

F. Lastly, Jesus's interaction with children during his earthly ministry shows his desire for them to come to him in worship, Lk. 1:41, 44; Mt. 21:15-16; Mk. 10:13-16; Heb. 2:10-13 

II. Why Is It So Difficult? 

A. The kids are a bundle of sin. 

B. We are sinners. 

C. We don't believe in what the Bible says concerning worship services, preaching, and regeneration. 

D. We don't take the time to train ourselves and our children for worship. 

E. Satan knows what right worship by the entire Church of Christ, which includes very young children will do to his kingdom. So, he discourages it. 

F. Our building can get in the way – but that is the least of the problems. 

III. How Do We Get Better at This? 

A. Right belief à whatever God says. 

B. Right love à it is not all about us 

C. Right focus à we are the Body of Christ 

D. Right practices 


We are the Body of Christ. We worship together as one. This is a beautiful picture of what Psalm 78:4 says: "We will not hide them from their children, telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done." 


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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

SAVE THE DATE: Men's Campout August 23-24

Men, be sure to save Friday and Saturday, August 23-24, for our annual Men's Campout.  Details coming soon...

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Monday, July 22, 2013

PRAYER: Session and Deacons Meetings this Week

Please be in prayer for our Session and our Deacons as they meet this week.

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Birth of Missions - Pastor Tito Lyro - Acts 12:25-13:13

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net or visit us at facebook.com/olympiabp. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 


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Friday, July 19, 2013

The Birth of the Missionary Endeavor - Acts 12:25-13:13


We often assume that the way things are today is how they have always been. We see missionaries being sent to the foreign mission fields and think that from the beginning of time it has been so. Yet, that is not the case. Here in Acts 13 we witness the birth of the Christian missionary endeavor. 

I. General Comments about the Passage 

A. This is the first time that Saul is called Paul, 9. 

B. Luke purposefully sets forth Peter's and Paul's ministries as parallel ministries. 

C. The general route of the first missionary journey. 

II. Establishing the Blueprint, 4-5 

A. Luke makes sure that we understand that the work that Barnabas and Saul were doing was instituted and commanded by God, 4. 

B. In the very first stop, we see the missionaries establishing a pattern that they will follow for the rest of their missionary lives, 5. 

C. They took John Mark as their assistant, 5. 

III. Facing the Messenger of Satan, 6-11 

A. Bar-Jesus, also known as Elymas, was an apostate Jew, 6. 

B. Elymas had become part of the entourage of the proconsul Sergius Paulus, 7. 

C. Elymas was also an intelligent man and saw that Barnabas and Paul's message would destroy his message and livelihood, so he opposed them, 8. 

D. Paul does not take the opposition to the gospel lightly; instead, he exposes Elymas for all he is, 9-11.
IV. The Teaching Generates Faith, 12 

A. Upon hearing the gospel and seeing the secondary evidence of Elymas' blindness, the proconsul believed. 

B. Some have doubted his conversion because there is no mention of baptism. 

V. Departing from Them, Back to Jerusalem, 13 

A. It is not clear why Mark left. 

B. But it is clear that the reason for his departure was not something that Paul approved of. 

C. Paul really didn't want Mark to go with them again on second missionary journey, 15:37-39 

D. Whatever reason Mark had to leave the party, this shows us that it is not always easy to serve the Lord faithfully. 

Conclusion – May he give us the grace and the strength to serve him faithfully and powerfully.


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REMINDER: Missionary Conference Tonight (Friday, July 19) @ 7pm

Please remember our Missionary Conference tonight (Friday, July 19) at 7pm.  The conference will take place here at OBPC and a dessert reception will follow.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

No Regular Wednesday Activities Tonight

Due to camp and this Friday's Missionary Conference there will be no regular Wednesday activities tonight.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Secure in Christ - Elder Nick Anderson - Romans 8:31-39

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net or visit us at facebook.com/olympiabp. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you.


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Monday, July 8, 2013

SAVE THE DATE: Missionary Conference Friday, July 19 @ 7pm

Please remember to put our Missionary Conference, Friday, July 19 at 7pm, on your calendar.  The conference will take place here at OBPC and a dessert reception will follow.

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Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Human Heart - Pastor Tito Lyro - Acts 14:8-20

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net or visit us at facebook.com/olympiabp. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 


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Friday, July 5, 2013

The Human Heart - Acts 14:8-20


By the time we are done with today's sermon you will feel much like John Newton did in his hymn I asked the Lord.
We may have come here today looking for a word of encouragement to help us in our battle with sin.  At first, you'll think that the sermon was intended to bring discouragement upon you.  Yet, at the end I hope you will be tremendously encouraged by what the Scriptures have for us today.

I.             Overview of the Passage

A.   Jews from Antioch and Iconium came to Lystra in order to disturb Paul and Barnabas's ministry, 19.
B.   Going back to the text, notice the fickleness of the human heart.

II.          The Human Heart

A.   The word heart appears 833 times in the NKJV and it describes several aspects of the human being.
B.   The most common use of the word heart, however, is a representation of innermost part of a person, the core of who we are.
C.   God made man perfect with a heart that was inclined to good and righteousness.
D.  Because the fall, the human heart is no longer good.
E.   We must realize the depth of our wickedness and our ability and desire to sin because that is the only way to fight it.
F.   The realization of how sinful and capable of sin we are leads to a greater reliance on the grace of God and diminishes our reliance on self.
III.       Practical Applications
A.   Since our problem is our heart, only a heart change can solve it.
B.   Since what really matters is what is in the heart, we need always to address the issues of the heart.
The prophet Jeremiah says, "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked."  How true that is!  He also asks, "Who can know it?"  The answer in 17:10 is that God knows the heart.  God knows each one of our hearts and will "give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings."  In the same book God also says that he will give his people a new heart capable of loving him and obeying him.


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