Friday, February 28, 2014

A Reminder about Basics - 1 Cor. 15:1-11

Paul begins this beautiful and longest chapter on the abolition of death in the resurrection of the last day by reminding us about the basics: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
        I.             The Gospel I Preached to You, 1-2.
A.   Paul is not saying something new to them.
B.   Paul reminds them of the Gospel because it is what saved them and it is what is saving them, 2.
C.   If at any moment we let go of Christ offered to us in the Gospel, that initial ascent to it, that initial profession of faith, will have been in vain, 2.
        II.          The Gospel of First Importance, 3-7.
A.   Paul did not make up the Gospel; he received in directly from God and from the other apostles, 3a.
B.   What he received from the Lord he delivered to the church.
C.   The Gospel is not just important; it is of first importance.
D.  Paul gives us a summary of the Gospel that contains all the necessary elements.
E.   The facts of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection are just that: FACTS.
Applications & Conclusion
·      If these are clearly facts, why do people not believe in them?

·      How about for me who believe? What should what you said do for me?


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Monday, February 24, 2014

MEMORY WORK: This Week's Catechism Questions

First Catechism Questions: 
FCQ 46. Did Jesus ever sin? No – he lived a sinless life.

Shorter Catechism Questions: 
SCQ 31. What is effectual calling? Effectual calling is the work of God's Spirit, whereby, convincing us of our sin and misery, enlightening our minds in the knowledge of Christ, and renewing our wills, he does persuade and enable us to embrace Jesus Christ, freely offered to us in the gospel.


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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Order in Worship - Pastor Tito Lyro - 1 Corinthians 14

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or visit us at We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Order in Worship - 1 Cor. 14

It is amazing how the gift of tongues-speaking has been blown out of proportion in some circles.  What is listed as the least important of the spiritual gifts has been elevated to unprecedented heights.  Why?  Because it appeals to our selfish nature.  It draws attention to us.  That seems to have been the attraction that tongues-speaking held over the Corinthian Christians.
Today we will try to understand what tongue-speaking is and why we don't practice it.  This topic will help us understand that our God is a God of order, and as such he wants to be worshiped in an orderly manner.
        I.             Reviewing the Two Functions of the Prophetic Office
A.   Foretelling events in the future concerning God's judgment and the coming of the Messiah (OT) and the fulfillment of promises and the second coming of Christ (NT).
B.   Forth-telling the Word of God and calling God's people to repentance and encouraging them to obedience.
        II.          What is Tongues-speaking and Why Is It We Don't Practice It?
A.   There are only two passages in the NT where we find unknown languages to the speakers described as a work of the Holy Spirit – here and Acts 2.
B.   Tongues-speaking is the same as prophecy when interpreted and is always revelatory in nature, 27-28.
C.   These tongues were not necessarily languages spoken somewhere in the world.
D.  The gift of tongues-speaking was a private gift unless interpreted, 2, 4a, 6, 28.
E.   The gift of tongues-speaking without interpretation was a sign of God's judgment against those who didn't believe, 21-22.
F.   If one had the gift of tongues-speaking he/she should earnestly ask God for the gift of interpreting for himself/herself or for an interpreter to come along, 13-14.
G.  Just as a reminder, God never intended for every Christian to have the gift of tongues-speaking, no matter what era one lives, 12:30.
H.   The gift of tongues-speaking was a controllable gift, 27-28.
I.     The gift of tongues-speaking without interpretation did not bring unbelievers to Christ, 23.
       III.       Tongues-Speaking, Prophecies, Singing… They Are Part of an Orderly Worship Gathering, 26-40.
A.   The corporate worship of the gathered church is not primarily about us – it is primarily about God.
B.   God is the object of our worship and his glory is our goal.
C.   Since it is HIS worship, he gets to define how WE are to worship HIM.
D.  God is present when his Church gathers to worship him, 25.
E.   The whole discussion of the private nature of tongues-speaking and the public nature of prophesying implies that the corporate worship of the gathered church is not a me-and-Jesus time; rather, it is an us-and-Jesus time.
F.   God's character will define a lot of what goes on in worship, 33.
G.  Characteristics of an ordered worship service.
1.    An ordered worship service will build up the Body of Christ, 26.
2.    An ordered worship service includes a word from God , 26.
3.    An ordered worship service includes self-control, 27-28.
4.    An ordered worship service requires an engaged mind, 29, 15-19.
5.    An ordered worship includes singing, 26 (psalm), 15.
6.    An ordered worship service demonstrates submission to the Word of God, 36-38.
7.    An ordered worship service provides the medium for clarity that is so important in our hearing from God, 6-8.
8.    An ordered worship service respects the roles of biblical manhood and womanhood, 34-35.
9.    An ordered worship includes the giving of thanks and thankful hearts, 16-17.

And we do all of that as we pursue love: love for the brethren and above all love for our Savior who redeemed us and made us part of his Body.


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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

PRAYER: Deacons Meeting Tonight (Feb 18)

Please be in prayer for our Deacons as they meet tonight (February 18).


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Monday, February 17, 2014

PRAYER: Session Meeting Tonight (Feb 17)

Please be in prayer for our Session as they meet tonight (February 17).


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MEMORY WORK: This Week's Catechism Questions

First Catechism Questions: 
FCQ 45. How did Jesus fulfill the covenant of grace? He kept the whole law for his people, and then was punished for all their sins.

Shorter Catechism Questions: 
SCQ 29. How are we made partakers of the redemption purchased by Christ? We are made partakers of the redemption purchased by Christ, by the effectual application of it to us by his Holy Spirit. 
SCQ 30. How does the Spirit apply to us the redemption purchased by Christ? The Spirit applies to us the redemption purchased by Christ, by working faith in us, and thereby uniting us to Christ in our effectual calling.


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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tongues, Prophecy and the Worship of God - Pastor Tito Lyro - 1 Corinthians 14

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or visit us at We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Tongues, Prophecies, and the Worship of God - 1 Cor. 14

Introduction – Starting with a confession.
           I.     The Richness of This Chapter.
A.   The application of love.
B.    Worship as preparation for battle, 8.
C.    How important building up the Body of Christ is.
D.   The orderly and peaceful character of God reflected on the way he wants to be worshipped, 33, 40, 27-30.
E.    The presence of God in the worship service, 25.
F.    The importance of a clear word from the Lord to the congregation, 6-9.
G.   How we need engaged minds in the worship of God and in the Christian life, 14-15.
H.   Everybody is an active participant in worship, 29.
I.      The ultimate Presbyterian verse, 40.
         II.      The Pursuit of Love Dominates This Chapter, 1a.
A.   The word pursue is the same word that is translated persecute elsewhere.
B.    The context in which love is to be pursued is the public, corporate worship of the gathered church.
C.    Love for the brethren.
D.   Love for the unbeliever – you are going to act in a certain way so that the unbeliever that visits you may bow down to the Lord Jesus, 24-25.
         III.     This Is Still about Spiritual Gifts.
A.   Notice how 12:31a connects with 14:1.
B.    Paul is back at answering their question regarding spiritual gifts now that he has put it in the right context.
C.    The question the Corinthians brought to Paul really only involved tongues-speaking and prophesying.
D.   It is abundantly obvious that Paul favored prophesying over tongues-speaking in the corporate worship of the church, 18-19.
          IV.     Defining Prophesying and Tongues-Speaking.
A.     For a more detailed explanation of role that the apostolic gifts should play today, please listen to last Sunday's adult Sunday school lesson.
B.     Prophets and prophesying
C.     Tongues-speaking
          V.   Ultimately, Why Prophecy over Tongues? Because the Building up of the Body of Christ, 12-19.
A.   Paul says, "I'm sure that you are so zealous about spiritual gifts because you want to build up the Body of Christ.  So, seek that gift that will be most conducive to that," 12.
B.    In the public, corporate worship of the gathered church, we must be concerned with the building up of our brothers and sisters, 18-19.
C.    More on this next week, for now please realize, understand, and live out this idea that we are here to build each other up.
D.   Paradoxically, as we invest ourselves into building others up, we will be built up beyond what we can ask or even imagine.

It is amazing how the gift of tongues-speaking has been blown out of proportion in some circles.  What is listed as the least important of the spiritual gifts has been elevated to unprecedented heights.  Why?  Because it appeals to our selfish nature. It draws attention to us.  But the way of the Gospel, the way of Christ, is one of building others up.  Every last one of us here today who have trusted in Jesus Christ has been given the gift of building others up.  May God who builds up the humble grant us humble love so that we will care for those in the Bible of Christ to the point of edifying them.


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