Monday, March 31, 2014

MEMORY WORK: Review Week--No New Catechism Questions

This week is a memory work review week--no new catechism questions.


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Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Grace of God - Pastor Tito Lyro - 1 Corinthians 15:9-10

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or visit us at We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 

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Friday, March 28, 2014

The Grace of God - 1 Cor. 15:9-10

Introduction – A clever title for Facebook.

I. The Argument of the Passage: Things of First Importance 

A. Paul is rehearsing with the Corinthians what is of first importance: the Gospel, 3a. 

B. Paul was the last person to see the risen Christ on earth till we all see him at his return, 8.

II. What Drove Paul to the Grace of God Was a Keen Understanding of the Seriousness of His Own Sin, 9. 

A. Knowing how sinful we are is a best friend of the grace of God. 

B. We may be willing to talk about how bad sin is in an abstract way, but we must realize that sin is not something that exists out there apart from us. 

C. He considers himself the least of the apostles because of the circumstances of his conversion, 9. 

D. The guilt feeling related to this great sin of persecuting the Church of the Lord Jesus seems to have stuck with him, even though he had been forgiven, 9b. 

III. Sin Immediately Drove Paul to God and His Grace, 9 Leads to 10! 

A. Paul begins with grace – by the grace of God I am what I am. 

B. He continues by grace – grace leads to labor because it is not in vain. 

C. Paul returns to grace – not I

IV. The Result of the Grace of God: Work + Humility 

A. We don't have to wait for God to zap us with some sort of divine laser beam that will make us do the things he command us to do. 

B. He has already given us all things in Christ Jesus. 

C. We follow him in humility knowing that he is the One working us to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Conclusion: The Sufficiency of Grace – God is gracious to us in Christ Jesus. What an awesome God we have!


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Monday, March 24, 2014

MEMORY WORK: This Week's Catechism Questions

First Catechism Questions: 
FCQ 52. What did God the Father guarantee in the covenant of grace? To justify and sanctify all those for whom Christ died. 
FCQ 53. How can God justify you? By forgiving all my sins and declaring me righteous. 
FCQ 54. How can God sanctify you? By making me holy in heart and conduct.

Shorter Catechism Questions: 
SCQ 35. What is sanctification? Sanctification is the work of God's free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness.


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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Anxiety - Pastor Tito Lyro - Philippians 4:6-7

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or visit us at We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 

#OBPC #OlympiaBP #BiblePresbyterian #Sermon #Bible #TitoLyro #Philippians #Covenant #Baptism #CovenantBaptism #ChildRearing #Anxiety


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Friday, March 21, 2014

Anxiety - Phil. 4:6-7

Introduction – Is anxiety a necessary part of life?
         I.               Being Anxious or Worrying Is the Result of a Loss of Focus.
A.      Some have decided that anxiety and worries are sicknesses that must be treated with medicine.
B.      The Holy Spirit through the apostle commanding us not to be anxious, Phil. 4:6.
C.      Ultimately, anxiety is the result of unbelief, which is a lack of focus on Jesus, Mt. 6:30.
         II.             Paul Gives Us a List of Things That We Are Supposed to Worry About, Phil 4:6.
A.   We are not to be anxious for anything.
B.    Why is that we shouldn't worry/be anxious?
         III.           If not Worrying, then What?
A.   Jesus says, "Believe!"
B.    Paul says, "Pray!" Phil. 4:6b.
C.    Why does prayer work in dealing with anxiety?
         IV.           The Result – A Peace That Is beyond What You can Imagine, Phil. 4:7.
A.   The peace God is both the peace that God has with us and the subjective confidence to trust in him.
B.    The character of this peace: surpasses all understanding.
C.    The effect of this peace: guard our hearts and minds

Conclusion– Lay their anxiety at the foot of the cross trusting that he who cares for the sparrows will sure care for you.


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Monday, March 17, 2014

MEMORY WORK: This Week's Catechism Questions

First Catechism Questions: 
FCQ 51. What is meant by the atonement? Christ satisfied God's justice by his suffering and death in the place of sinners.

Shorter Catechism Questions: 
SCQ 34. What is adoption? Adoption is an act of God's free grace, whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges, of the sons of God.


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PRAYER: Session / Deacon's Meeting Tonight (Mon. 3/17)

Please be in prayer for our Session and our Deacons as they meet tonight (Monday, March 17).


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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Especially the Household of Faith - Pastor Tito Lyro - John 13:1-17

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or visit us at We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 

#OBPC #OlympiaBP #BiblePresbyterian #Sermon #Bible #TitoLyro #Service #Synod #TheChurch


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Friday, March 14, 2014

Specially the Household of Faith - John 13

Introduction – Preparing for hosting our General Synod meeting provides an opportunity to server the household of faith.  Our theme verses for our preparation for synod are Galatians 6:9-10.

I.             Serving People and the Cross, 1-17

A.   The motivating factor for what Jesus's actions in chapter 13 and all the teaching in the Upper Room Discourse is his love for his disciples, 1, 3.
B.   The foot-washing is not something that is part of our culture today, but it was very common in NT times, 4-5.
C.   After he had washed the feet of a few paralyzed disciples, Jesus gets to Peter and is met with opposition, 6-10.
D.  Back to the original object-lesson: serving one another, 11-17.

II.          Loving People and the Cross, 31-35

A.   Jesus looks at the cross and the resurrection as his being glorified, 31-32
B.   With tremendous tenderness and love, he wants his disciples to know that this is not the end, 33.
C.   In essence, Jesus is saying that his presence will be keenly felt by his people when they love one another, 34.
D.  Notice that loving one another through serving one another is of the essence of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, 35.
E.   Notice again that there is no command to demand love, just to love.
"But it is mainly the deeds of a love so noble that lead many to put a brand on us.  'See,' they say, 'how they love one another,' for they themselves are animated by mutual hatred; 'see how they are ready even to die for one another,' for they themselves will rather put to death."  Tertullian


"…see how they are ready even to die for one another…"  That is what we desire for our church.  We desire a church where every person loves one another, where deep friendships are built around the Gospel.  And we want our relationships in the church to scream loud and clear to the world:  THEY LOVE JESUS!  Preparing for synod and serving during synod give us the opportunity to love Jesus!


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