Monday, April 7, 2014

MEMORY WORK: This Week's Catechism Questions

First Catechism Questions:
FCQ. 55 - What must you do to be saved? I must repent of my sins, believe in Christ. 
FCQ. 56 - How do you repent of your sins? By being sorry enough for my sin to hate it and forsake it.  
FCQ. 57 - Why must you hate and forsake your sin? Because it displeases God. 

Shorter Catechism Questions:
SCQ. 36 - What are the benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from justification, adoption, and sanctification? The benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from justification, adoption, and sanctification, are, assurance of God's love, peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Ghost, increase of grace, and perseverance therein to the end.


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