Friday, December 13, 2013

The Incarnation as an Example of Humility - Phil. 2:1-11

Introduction – Gift giving and the humility of Christ
       I.             How Does Jesus's Incarnation Illustrate Humility? 5-8.
A.    Although he was divine, he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, that is, at thing that he should hold on so tightly to the point of keeping him from his mission, 6-7a.
B.    He made himself nothing by taking the form of a servant, that is, the form of a man, 7b-8a.
C.   As a man, he humbled himself by dying on the cross, 8b.
D.  Paul says, "Do you see Jesus?  Do you see his attitude of humility?  Do you see his giving of himself for others?  That's the attitude for us to have!" 5.
       II.          The Doctrine That the Incarnation of God the Son Illustrates, 1-4.
A.   As you remember from the beginning of this sermon, the Philippians were facing some struggles as they related to one another.
B.   At the root of these struggles was pride, which is self-centeredness.
C.    Paul appeals to their identity in Christ, 1.
D.    Because Christ is in you, be of the same mind, 2.
E.     The grace of God in Jesus Christ in your life drives you away from pride/self-centeredness and toward humility in serving others, 3-4.
       III.       The Result of Humility Is Exaltation, 9-11.
A.   As a result of Christ's giving of himself for others and his lowering himself and not thinking of his position as something that should keep him from serving others, God exalted him – hyper exalted, super exalted.
B.   That is a pattern that we find with God.

Conclusion – Jesus Christ humbled himself to save sinners like us.


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