Thursday, August 13, 2020

What Happens Now? – The Aftermath


   This update is going to be of a little bit of a whirlwind. But isn't that life these days? A whirlwind?

First thing first – a big, massive thank you to all of you. I don't say it enough. Without your generosity and your prayers none of this would be possible. I have been amazed and humbled by the outpouring from you all of late (and always!). God is working in these testing times and it is clear he is working through people like you to bless the brethren in this time.

It feels redundant to explain that the world's third largest explosion took place this past week. That it was the result of government corruption and neglect. That hundreds are dead and thousands are misplaced. You all know all of that.

I knew it.

But it was a whole entire other beast seeing it.

Beirut is in shambles and yet it has been an honor to witness the resilience of the people.

For those who have asked or are worried, I don't live in Beirut and by God's grace none of my friends who do were there at the time. Tyre is just far enough down the coast to not have felt the impact of the explosion directly. I was actually at the airport when it happened bringing enough medications to supply our clinic for the year into the country (so generously supplied by the team from Tacoma/Olympia who weren't able to come in person this year – these meds are a life saver!). The church and its members are safe and have switched full gear into providing disaster relief while maintaining the work in Tyre.

That being said this explosion won't just affect Beirut. It is another deadly blow to an already collapsing country. The countries flour and food preserves were stored directly next to the source of the explosion- preserves that were essential to an already critical country-spread food shortage.

Also, that neglect and corruption I was talking about in regards to the politicians? This was the final straw for an already angry people.

On Saturday our church was able to go into the poorest and most directly affected areas to help clean up rubble and put things in order. The streets were flooded with people helping strangers. It was an amazing sight to behold. There was a lightness in the midst of darkness as we worked side by side.

The lightnesses didn't last long though.

All of those strangers who were helping other strangers left cleaning efforts to protest in the evening and literally attempt to burn the parliament building down. The streets are cleaner now, but the protesting hasn't stopped, neither has the government reaction. The streets of Beirut that weren't destroyed are now full of tear gas and rubble bullets and burning trucks- ramparts of desperation.

Pray for peace. Lebanon is balancing on the edge of a knife.

I don't have words to explain the destruction. I have never seen anything like it. Every building in the blast radius in no longer livable, every car is no longer useable, every business is no longer operable. It is only by the grace of God that the explosion was after office hours or the death toll would have been unimaginable.

Tyre Church has been able to join in the efforts on the front line. We have converted most efforts toward Beirut relief. Days look like teaching music all morning and then driving the hour and a half to Beirut and distributing aid and praying with people and hearing stories all afternoon and evening. Or it looks like long days in the sewing shop making masks or cleaning the streets. It is definitely exhausting, but the Lord is our strength and he has put us here at such a time as this that we might show his love.

I am going to leave a link that allows those of you who can and feel led to give directly to our relief work in Beirut. This money will go toward feeding people, helping replace windows, helping families move out of destroyed buildings and renting new apartments, and helping people with hospital bills from injuries they sustained.

The clean up is finished (somewhat), the streets are clearer, but the restoration and recovery is only beginning.

Give Toward Beirut Relief

Another awesome way to give is by buying one of these t-shirts designed by Tacoma local artist, Amy Lewis. Profits go toward the same fund.

Buy a T-Shirt Here

You guys have been nothing but generous. Some of you I think would give the shirt off of your back. I feel hesitant to ask for more, but the need is so great. One hundred percent of the gifts you give go toward the people.

If there is one picture being painted by this disaster it is the humanity of people and how fleeting we are. That makes the urgency of the Gospel all the greater. You wouldn't hesitate to tell the Gospel or share with someone who you knew might die tomorrow. Yet here on earth that is the reality we as humans share- all of us could die tomorrow. As morbid as that sounds it gives us a greater sense us of purpose, a desperation to stand between our neighbors and the gates of Hell. And like I said before, God has placed us right there at those gates, for such a time as this.

Last night I attended a church service in the church that was closest the explosion. The front of the church was bombed out, there was no electricity, but the room was full of believers from all over Lebanon singing and praying for the city, mourning for the suffering in our midst and turning our eyes to Celestial City that can never be destroyed, where death is but a memory.

I think we could all do to remember that very City more and consider who we went there by our sides. Pray for those people- that the Lord would open their eyes.

Pray that in this season of desperation the Lord would draw his people to himself – that the banner of Christ's love would wave free and uninhibited over the wreckage of the city of Beirut.

Love to you all and thank you so, so much,

Teenie 💛

Specific ways to pray!

Here are some more specific prayer requests:

  • For the strength and endurance for the laborers here in Lebanon- both at Tyre Church and all the other churches here in Lebanon, especially in Beirut.
  • The Lebanese government. I'm not even sure there is a place to begin to make it better. The Prime Minister (Hezbollah backed) has stepped down, but there is now even more uncertainty. Pray for peace and resolution- that a civil war may be avoided.
  • For the true Gospel to shine a light in these dark times.

Thank you for joining us in praying to a God who hears and lifting up this place and these people.
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