Friday, December 22, 2017

A Last Reformation Post

We are approaching the end of 2017 and the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.  Before we let the clock run out on the celebrations, I want to share with you a few books that have been very helpful to me in my understanding of the importance of the Reformation and others that provide a good overview of the doctrine of the Reformers.
  • Here I Stand - This is a classic biography of Martin Luther.  Well-written and easy to read, Bainton provides insight into the life of the Luther family.
  • Luther on the Christian Life  - Carl Trueman looks at Luther's life from a theological perspective.  Written recently, this book helps the reader to understand how what Luther believed shaped his life.
  • The Mighty Weakness of John Knox - Doug Bond brings to life the salty character of the Scottish reformer John Knox.  This book is written at a popular level, which lends itself to using it for family devotions.
  • The Five Solas - Edited by Matthew Barrett, this is historical overview of the five doctrines that unified the magisterial reformers.  Specially helpful is the volume on grace alone.
  • 9marks Journal - Several articles on the Reformation.
These are only a few titles that may prove helpful for you to grow in your understanding of the Protestant Reformation.
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