Friday, February 20, 2015

Nourishing Children - Eph. 6:4


On the occasion of a covenant baptism such as today, our minds are often drawn to the blessing of children, the raising of children, and the place of children in our lives and in the ministry of the church.  Since our minds are already naturally drawn that way, it will do us good to consider the place of children in the church and our duties toward them.

It is virtually universal in Christianity that a church must minister to children.  Why is that?  Because the children are our future?  That's part of it.  Because ministering to children brings families in?  I hope not.  The main reason there is this virtually universal desire to minister to children in the Church of Jesus Christ is because they are part of the Body of Christ.  This truth goes often unnoticed because it may not fit in some systems of doctrine, but it is almost impossible to get away from the practical applications of it.  As a matter of fact, the practice of ministering to children in the Church of Jesus Christ is often much closer to biblical truth than the system of doctrine held by the particular local congregation or individual.

I.             Why? They Are Part of the Body of Christ

A.  Paul addresses them as such.

B.  Paul's instructions follow logically from Jesus's practice.

C.  Jesus, and subsequently Paul, acted this way because they understood the promises of God in the New Covenant.

D.  Can you show me where these promises are?

E.   The Children of God's people are in covenantal union with Christ and are part of his body, the Church.

F.   Perceived dangers of this doctrine

G.  The effect of this doctrine on Paul:  Your children are covenantally united to Christ, so raise them in the gospel.

II.          Why Baptize Them?  Because the Bible Tells Me So.

A.  Let me ask you this: does the Bible say anywhere that babies must not be baptized?

B.  The Bible teaches that children of believers should be baptized by equating the significance of baptism with the significance of circumcision.

III.       How Do We Raise, Then? Paideia and Nouthesia of the Lord

A.  Bring them up

B.  In or by the training of the Lord.

C.  In or by the admonition of the Lord.

D.  The parent who knows that his/her child is covenantally united to Christ will keep the Gospel ever before his/her child because he knows that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

E.   If a parent claims the doctrine of God's covenant faithfulness as the reason for his complacency in raising his children in the Lord and in the Gospel, he is twice a child of hell and does not understand the Scriptures at all.


Let me end with this, "The very heart of Christian nurture is this: to bring the heart of the child to the heart of his Savior." Hendriksen

Parents, it is your duty before God to do whatever you can to influence your children in the Gospel.  One of the dumbest thing a parent can say or believe is that he is supposed to let his children decide for themselves who they are and what they believe.  If you, as a parent do that, I guarantee you, you will be the only person in the entire world acting that way toward your children.

By now you might be saying, "I have failed miserably."  If you are there, rejoice!  That's the best place to be in order to receive the grace of God.  Parenting, like everything else in life, can only be done by losing your life in Jesus Christ.  Jesus says that in our weakness his grace is magnified and we are made strong.  So if you know you have failed miserably, repent, open your eyes to the grace of God, and nurture and admonish your children the best you can.

"The very heart of Christian nurture is this: to bring the heart of the child to the heart of his Savior."


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