Friday, October 18, 2013

The Glory of God as the Goal of Lie - 1 Cor. 10:31


God calls us to live our lives in such a way that he is glorified in all we do. That includes the most mundane things of every day life such as eating and drinking and the most complex decisions and relationships that we may be involved with. So we are to live to glorify God, that is, to give him glory. 

I. What Is the Glory of God? 

A. In the Old Testament 

1. Glory generally represents Heb. kabod, with the root idea of 'heaviness' and so of 'weight' or 'worthiness'. 

2. The glory of God is often a synonym for whom he is. 

3. Eventually, the temple becomes the place where the glory of Yahweh was especially to be located. 

B. In the New Testament 

1. Here the lxx is followed in translating kabod by doxa. 

2. In certain places in the NT doxa refers to human honor, but its chief use is to describe the revelation of the character and the presence of God in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. 

3. He is the outshining of the divine glory. 

C. Ultimately, the glory of God is fully displayed in Jesus Christ, who is the only way to know the character and presence of God. 

II. What Does It Mean When the Bible Tells Us to Do Things for the Glory of God? 

A. To do things for the glory of God is to do things in such way that God's character and presence are displayed. 

B. We don't add glory to him when we do things for his glory because he is from all eternity perfect, without any need of addition. 

C. We do declare his presence and who he truthfully is when we do things for his glory. 

III. Eating and Drinking for the Glory of God. 

A. Now we are ready to understand what Paul wants us to do when he says we are to eat, drink, and do whatever, for the glory of God. 

B. In this context, eating and drinking has to do with the conscience: ours and the brethren's. 

C. We can even broaden the principle in this context and say that eating and drinking for the glory of God has to do with preferring others in humility instead of ourselves, 24. 

D. Notice how Paul with one single word makes this a life-encompassing principle. 

E. Now we get to actually talking about eating and drinking for the glory of God. 


God calls us live our lives in such a way that even the most mundane, everyday activities such as eating and drinking are a true display of his character and presence.


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