Friday, August 9, 2013

Complacency - Revelation 3:14-22


Today we are going to go through the heart-wrenching duty of declaring that a man who once was part of this body is no longer a follower of Jesus Christ. The Scriptures command to hand him over to Satan in hopes that his soul might be saved. This is an experience that, though necessary, we hope is rare. It also gives us the opportunity to reflect about our own heart. I think Christ's words to the Laodicean church are very pertinent for our situation today. 
I. Laodicea
A. Was situated on the convergence of 3 busy roads. 

B. Thus, prominent center of banking and industry. 

C. The city was famous for a beautiful black cloth used to make clothes and carpet. 

D. Was also seat of a flourishing medical school – Famous for "Phrygian Powder" used for ear and eye ointment. 

E. Probably founded by Epaphras from Colossae. 

F. Paul wrote a letter to the Laodiceans – possibly Ephesians. 

G. The church 

H. Summary 

1. Commendation – none 

2. Criticism – indifference 

3. Instruction – be zealous and repent 

4. Promise – Share Christ's throne 

II. The Author of the Message, 14. 

A. Amen – Hebrew expression meaning true – means that Christ is the reliable and trustworthy one. 

B. Faithful and true witness – Christ can be trusted to communicate the truth. 

C. The beginning of the creation of God – Christ is the source of the creation of God. 

D. Because of these three things, his message must be heard. 

III. The Problem: Lukewarmness, 15. 

A. Hot or cold 

B. What does that mean? The Laodiceans had become numb to the gospel. 

C. Two things that lead to complacency: losing awe of God, losing track of what is important. 

IV. Consequence: Rejected by God, 16. 

A. Christ does not want people who claim to be his to be in the middle of the road. 

B. People that are complacent (lukewarm) he will spit out – just image how disgusting a big glass of lukewarm water from the kitchen would be. 

C. Interesting that the church that Jesus is the hardest on is the church that is complacent, not necessarily immoral or theologically astray. 

D. Now this rejection is not permanent because Christ calls them to repentance, 19. 

E. Jesus knew exactly where they were – he knows the heart. 

V. The Solution, 18. 

A. Buy gold from God (poor) – acknowledgement that we don't have it. 

B. Dress in white garments (naked) – the naked church is called to put on the white garment of righteousness. 

C. Medicine for your eyes (blind) 

VI. The Reason for Strong Language, 19a – Christ loves his church 

VII. God's Desire, 19-20 

A. Be zealous and repent 

B. Christ describes the human side of repentance, 20. 

VIII. The Reward Is Victory in Christ, 21. 

A. Our overcoming has been accomplished in his overcoming. 

B. Though faith in him, his death is our death, his resurrection is our resurrection, and his victory is our victory. 

Conclusion – Listen to what the Spirit says to the Church.

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