Friday, May 24, 2013

Where Is the Love? 1 Cor. 8

Remember back in chapter 6 the Corinthian claim? "All things are lawful for me!" (6:12) Well, we see this same attitude emerging here in chapter 8 and Paul has a similar answer to it. In chapter 6, he said that having the right to do something is not the only criterion to determine if that something should be done. Is it helpful? Does it glorify God? Does it serve others? Does it help you to grow to be more like Jesus? In chapter 8, the claim is, "I know that idols are nothing. Jesus said all foods are clean. I have the right to eat this food. Who cares what others may think?" To which the Spirit asks, "Where is the love?" Paul explains how this love principle works out in 9:19-23. Now, the rest of chapter 8 is going to expand on those themes a little more. 

I. Our Passage Finds Itself in Several Contexts 

A. The most immediate context is that of chapter 8 itself, appearing as part of a larger section running from 8:1 through to 11:1. 

B. This section, on the whole, is devoted to answering at least 2 questions: 

1. Could Christians buy the sacrificed meat at some marketplace and eat the same meat at someone's home outside the temple?, 7-8 (we will look at it a little later in chpt. 10). 

2. Could Christians enter into a pagan temple and eat food that had been sacrificed to the "god" of that temple? 

II. Where We Are Going Today – Four Questions 

A. What IS this "knowledge" that Paul refers to here and which seems to only be encouraging the pride of some of the Corinthian congregation? 

B. How are the Corinthians USING this knowledge that they are so proud of? What are they doing with it? 

C. What is WRONG with the way the Corinthians are responding in this situation? 

D. How can Paul's rebuke and instruction to this obscure, 1st century congregation properly be a guide for the church in our own day? 

May God be pleased to create within each one of us – no matter what our leanings and tendencies might be in these things – a heart that wants to build up the Body more than it wants to claim rights. And while we are all waiting for each other to grow up, may God give us patience, and a kind spirit toward one another. And may he give us a renewed understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – which gives us all that we need – the desire and the ability – to put these things into practice.

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