Friday, April 19, 2013

Do We Really Need Help? Gen. 1:26-28

Introduction – The drama of sin and suffering

I. Creation
A. The Scriptures look at humanity from three angles: creation, fall, and redemption.

B. The best place to start, then, is at the beginning: creation, Gen. 1:26-28

C. Because this passage is so familiar, it is easy to miss its radical view of people.

D. Why couldn't Adam and Eve live without this? Three reasons:

1. Adam and Eve were created to be revelation receivers.

2. Adam and Eve were created to be interpreters.

3. Adam and Eve were created to be worshippers

II. The Entrance of Another Counselor: The Fall, Gen. 3:1-7

A. For the first time in history, we witness the entrance of another voice, another counselor.

B. Notice that the passage says that Eve saw the fruit as "desirable to make one wise."

III. People, the Serpent, and Personal Ministry

What principles can we draw from Genesis 3 to develop our biblical understanding of personal ministry? At least 5.

IV. Christ Crushes the Serpent's Head and Gives the Holy Spirit
A. Does redemption change our need of counseling from one another? Yes and no

B. So, the world of personal ministry is rooted in three principles:

1. We were created with the need for truth outside ourselves to live life properly.

2. Many interpretative voices compete with God's Word for our heart's attention.

3. The power of sin has been broken, but the blinding presence of sin remains.

Conclusion – Do people really need help? Do you really need help?

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