Friday, February 8, 2013

You Were Bought at a Price - 1 Cor. 6:12-20

The Corinthian culture was not much different than our culture today. Perhaps they were more accepting of some depraved behaviors that are still somewhat taboos in ours, but fundamentally they had an over-sexualized, self-gratifying, hedonistic society. 
These ideas found their way into the church. In the church, at least some of the Christians took hold of a concept that Paul likely taught them in a particular context and applied it to whatever they wanted, thereby rationalizing their sin. 
We are also naturally very good at rationalizing and justifying our sins. Therefore, it will do us much good to pay close attention to what the Spirit says to the Church. 

I. The Problem: Sexual Immorality 

A. At least some of the Corinthian Christians were visiting prostitutes, 15-16. 

B. Now, Paul uses the broadest word possible to talk about this issue, 18. 

II. The Mentality behind the Problem: It Doesn't Matter and God Doesn't Care 

A. It seems like that, at some point, Paul taught the Corinthians that Jesus freed them from a legalistic obedience to the Mosaic Law and/or any other man-made laws with the goal of being saved. 

B. The Corinthians took that teaching and, like any good sinner worth his wickedness, put it to use in justifying their fulfilling the lust of their flesh. 

C. They also twisted Paul's teaching concerning the soul, the body, and the final judgment, 13a. 

III. The Reality: God Does Care 

A. First, Paul corrects their logic, 13b. 

B. Paul explains that God loves the whole human, both body and soul. God demonstrated this love in the resurrection of Jesus, 14c. 

C. And God will ultimately demonstrate his love for our bodies in our resurrection at the second coming of Jesus Christ, 14b. 

D. God loves our bodies because he purchased us, both body and soul, by the blood of Jesus Christ, 20a. 

E. God expects us to love him with our bodies, 15-17, 19, 20b. 

IV. The Solution: Flee! 18. 

A. It has become popular in Reformed circles to downplay the heinousness of sexual sin. 

B. So we are commanded to flee sexual immorality. 

Christian, you have been bought at a price and the price was the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Through faith you have been joined with him, both body and soul. You are called to love him, and today you have been particularly called to love him with your body. He who calls you to this good work will also give you the grace and the strength to do it.

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