Friday, September 7, 2012

The Christian Ministry - 1 Cor. 3:5-15

At least some of the Christians in the Corinthian church were childish in their faith at a time when they should have matured. The evidence that Paul brings concerning their immaturity was that they were being ruled by envy and strife. They were competing with one another as to whom had the greater spiritual father. This competition was based on a misunderstanding of the Christian ministry. In our passage today, Paul corrects their view of the Christian ministry. He wants them to see, and by inspiration of the Spirit, he wants us to see that the Christian minister is an instruments of God, a co-worker with God, and accountable to God. 

I. The Christian Ministry as Instruments of God, 5-7.

A. Paul clarifies who these men who they have been idolizing are, 5.

B. So, Paul asks, "Who are these men you have been boasting about?

C. That has to be the attitude of every Christian minister.

D. This is true of everyone in the church.

II. The Christian Ministry as Co-workers with God, 9.

A. Some scholars have suggested that what Paul means here is that the Christian ministers are co-workers together as they serve God.

B. But, the more natural interpretation of the text is that the Christian ministers work together with God.

C. Christian ministers are means through whom God works.

D. This is also true of everyone who professes faith in Christ.

E. Paul now describes how the Christian minister is a co-worker with God by using two analogies: Faming and building.

III. The Christian Ministry Accountable to God, 8, 12-15.

A. Remember, the Corinthian Christians were fighting about who was the best pastor.

B. Here Paul says, "Don't worry about who the best pastor is. His recognition will come on the day of judgment." 8b

C. This is a warning to let the Christian minister know that everything he does in the Church of Jesus Christ will be tested on judgment day, 13.

D. But notice here that the reward is not heaven, but something in heaven.

E. We should learn from this that every Christian minister who is building the church on the foundation of Jesus Christ is a brother even if he is using the wrong materials.

F. This accountability is true also of every person who professes faith in Jesus Christ.

Conclusion & Action Points

The Christian minister is an instrument in God's hand for the good of the church. He is a co-worker with God, and he is accountable to God. And so are all of us. 

Actions Points

· Look at your life and examine whether you are functioning as instruments in God's hands or the main act. If you haven been the main act in your life and in your relationships, repent of that and start being used by God. 

· You are sowing and watering whether you realize it or not. What type of seed have you been sowing? Purposefully seek to sow godly seed or water godly seed in the lives of those around you. 

· You are a builder. What materials are you using to do your part in building the church and your life in Christ? Left overs?

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