Friday, April 2, 2010

[The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia Blog] The Triumph of the Resurrecti...


These men were at the tail end of what was probably the longest 48-60 hour period of their lives. A week ago their leader is welcomed into Jerusalem as the great king of the Jews. Things were good and they were riding high. Now their leader is buried, dead. He died as a common criminal. Can you imagine the dashed hopes, the despair?

So on the way home this stranger joins them to talk with them and at first he lets them talk about their frustration and discouragement. Then in the section we are looking at today, he speaks to them as the risen Christ and they meet with their Savior and fall in love with him all over again.

I. The Scriptures teach that in the death of the Messiah there is victory, 25-27.

II. Finally, eyes to see the risen Savior!, 28-32.

III. The joy of seen and sharing the risen Savior, 33-35


He lives. Therefore, life is worth living. Therefore, all things work together for good to them that love God. Therefore, we too shall live. Therefore, the curse is going to be removed from the universe and we expect a new heaven and a new earth. All the darkness is dispelled and hope lives again! Hear the angel: Matthew 28:5-6 – Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.

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