David finds himself captive to the king of Gath. His plan to find a safe-haven in Philistine territory turned out to be a disaster. What to do? Aha, pretend that you are crazy! That is exactly what David did…. And it worked! The king of Gath lets him go free and clear. This humbling and embarrassing moment in David's life led him to write two of the most beautiful psalms in the Psalter: 34 and 56. As part of our series on 1 Samuel, we will consider these two psalms starting with 34 today. It seems that his short time in Gath taught David that he needs to seek the Lord because he describes exactly that in Psalm 34. David helps us see seven elements that make up one's pursuit of the God of the Bible. A. There is no seeking after God apart from faith. Heb. 11:6 – But without faith it is impossible to please Him,for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. B. This faith that seeks the true God of the Bible is not a general faith. C. It is a specific faith in Jesus Christ. Rom 3:21-26 – But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. II. Celebrate God (vv. 1-3)! Observe the passion and intensity of David's worship. A. David's worship was voluntary ("I will bless the Lord"). 1. It was a choice, a decision of his soul irrespective of what others may do. 2. "I've determined to celebrate God. I'm resolved. My mind and spirit are fixed. My heart is engaged!" B. David's worship was constant ("at all times"). 2. In all situations and circumstances, at every possible moment of every possible day. 3. Not just when one feels like it, but even when life's a mess. 4. Said Spurgeon: "Happy is he whose fingers are wedded to his harp" (1b:122). C. David's worship is verbal ("in my mouth"). 1. Whether in speech or song, David articulates his adoration of the Lord. 2. If God's praise were at all times in our mouths, what place would be left for slander, gossip, complaint, or criticism? D. David's worship was boastful ("my soul makes its boast in the Lord"). 1. Bragging comes easily to us. 2. No one has to teach us how to boast. 3. So let's just replace ourselves and what we've done with God and what he's done! 4. God is our boast! Brag on the Lord! Make much of him! E. David's worship is contagious ("let the humble hear and be glad"). 1. Only humble people will enjoy hearing others brag on God. 2. The proud want only to hear about themselves. F. David's worship is corporate ("magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together"). 1. As much as one might enjoy private praise, there is something special and empowering and encouraging in joining with others in the adoration of God. 2. Jointly and corporately celebrating God in the community of faith is non-negotiable. III. Pray to God (vv. 4-7). A. David "sought" (v. 4a) the Lord by crying out to him in need and trusting him alone for both deliverance from fear (v. 4b) and salvation from trouble (v. 6). B. How does one know if a person is pursuing God in prayer? They glow (v. 5). C. The one who passionately seeks God's face will reflect the glory of the original! His joy will ignite theirs. D. Note well: they look to "him", not just ideas or propositions or speculative theories about what he's like. 1. They settle for nothing less than the intimacy of spiritual eye contact. The result is that they are never ashamed (v. 5b). 2. When we seek God this way he promises never to shame us or humiliate us or mock our feeble efforts. 3. God will never belittle or demean you for coming to him! Heb. 4:16 – Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. 4. Just think of it: no shame for those who seek God! IV. Enjoy God (v. 8)!
A. Why "taste"? Why didn't David exhort us to "think" or "remember" or some other purely cognitive exercise? 1. Because "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him" (Piper)! 2. The imagery of tasting makes the point that experiencing God is pleasant and enriching to the soul. 3. There's a spiritual sweetness to the knowledge of God! 4. God is delicious! Jesus is delectable! 5. It's as we savor the flavor of his glory and splendor that he is most honored and exalted in us. 6. Here's how Jonathan Edwards put it: "God is glorified not only by his glory's being seen, but by its being rejoiced in. When those that see it delight in it, God is more glorified than if they only see it. God made the world that he might communicate, and the creature receive, his glory … both [with] the mind and the heart. He that testifies his having an idea of God's glory [doesn't] glorify God so much as he that testifies also his approbation [i.e., his heartfelt commendation or praise] of it and his delight in it" (The Miscellanies, Yale 13:495, no. 448). B. This isn't to say that those who "taste and see that the Lord is good" will be insulated from pain and persecution. 1. Their determination to seek ultimate satisfaction in God above all else may in fact expose them to even greater oppression. 2. But it matters little, for abiding in his presence awakens spiritual joys that are incomparably full and spiritual pleasures that never lose their capacity to enthrall and satisfy. V. Fear God (vv. 9-14)!
A. First David tells us to "taste" God and savor his goodness, then turns around in the next verse and commands us to "fear" him! 1. We must both enjoy God and tremble at his greatness. 2. We must rejoiceand revere. 3. We must both adore him and fall on our knees in awe of his power and authority and holiness. B. The fear of the Lord is actually essential to our response to Jesus. C. Without it, we persist on a foolish path that leads toward death and grief. VI. Obey God (vv. 15-18)!
A. "The eyes of the Lord," said David, "are toward the righteous" whereas the Lord "is against those who do evil" (v. 15-16). B. One of Franki Valli's greatest hits declared: "Can't take my eyes off of you"! 1. Well, God can't take his eyes off those who love obedience and are passionate about purity. 2. He gazes on them with tenderness and warmth and loving affection, watching every move they make. 3. No less so his ears: he listens to every prayer, takes note of every groan, is pleased with every song of praise, is moved by every cry of anguish. a. Others may slight you. b. Others may ignore your plea. C. Don't overlook the remarkable statement in v. 18. 1. Contrary to all our instincts, David declares that "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves such as have a contrite spirit"! 2. The brokenhearted, more than others, are convinced God is distant and remote and uninvolved. 3. It is the crushed in spirit who more quickly despair of all hope. 4. Yet God is near to them in their misery, quick and able to save and comfort and console. 5. The weak and broken and most helpless of God's children should never think that for those reasons they are off-limits to their heavenly Father. 6. It is to those, in fact, that he especially draws near! Jn. 6:37 – All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. Ps. 51:17 – The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart—these, O God, You will not despise. VII. Trust God (vv. 19-22)!
A. The key statement in this closing paragraph is David's promise that none are condemned "who trust in him" (v. 22). 1. Many are dismayed because God didn't seem to come through for them when they needed him most. 2. They laid hold of him in their need and came up empty. 3. God appears not to deliver the goods only because we trust him for things he never promised! a. It is not trusting God to demand that God do things our way, according to our timetable, for our praise. b. We can't trust him to manipulate circumstances to bring us worldly success or to insulate us from the hatred and ill will of his enemies. c. This isn't because God isn't trustworthy, but simply because these are things he never guaranteed. C. For what, then, may I trust him? 1. You can trust him to provide you with eternal salvation for your soul, guidance and wisdom, forgiveness, spiritual satisfaction, joys that are full and abundant, pleasures that never end. 2. You can trust him never to leave you or forsake you. 3. You can trust him to be good and gracious and tenderhearted and kind. 4. You can trust him to orchestrate every event, even the evil ones, to work together for your ultimate spiritual conformity to the image of his Son. Conclusion
What does it mean to seek after God? How does one pursue the Almighty? It means to believe in God through Jesus Christ. It means to celebrate God, to pray to him, to enjoy him, to fear him, to obey him, and to trust in him.
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