Monday, June 30, 2014

MEMORY WORK: No New Memory Work This Week--Time for Review

This Week's Memory Work:

No new memory work this week--time for review


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Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Most Beautiful Words - Pastor Tito Lyro - Psalm 103

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or visit us at We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 

#OBPC #OlympiaBP #BiblePresbyterian #Sermon #Bible #TitoLyro #Psalms #grace #imputation #mercy #salvation


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Friday, June 27, 2014

The Most Beautiful Words - Ps. 103

Introduction – The Declaration of Independence and Longfellow's Paul Revere's Ride.
I.               The Way We "Deal" with Others.
A.   We keep fresh in our minds their injustices toward us.
B.    We nurture the memory of their faults and failings.
C.    We seek every opportunity, often secretly and stealthily, to make them pay for their transgressions.
II.             The Way God "Deals" with Us.
A.   Our sins do not constitute the according to which God makes his decisions on how to treat us.
B.    God does not punish us according to our iniquities.
·      One light year = 6,000,000,000,000 (six trillion) miles.
·      Galaxy at 78,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles from earth!
·      20,000,000,000,000,000 years to get there!
            III.           Now, here's the question: Why does God not deal with us according to our sins?
A.   Why does he not repay us according to our iniquities?
B.    The answer is NO!
C.    The reason is Jesus.
D.   The measure of God's mercy is the depth of the sacrifice he endured in giving up his only Son to suffer in our stead.

Application &Conclusion – Before the throne of God above.


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Monday, June 23, 2014

MEMORY WORK: This Week's Catechism Questions

This Week's Memory Work:

First Catechism:
FCQ. 73 - How many commandments did God write down on the stone tablets? Ten commandments.
FCQ. 74 - What do the first four commandments teach you? What it means to love and serve God.
FCQ. 75 - What do the last six commandments teach you? What it means to love and serve my neighbor. 

Shorter Catechism:
SCQ. 48 - What are we specially taught by these words before me in the first commandment? These words before me in the first commandment teach us, that God, who see all things, takes notice of, and is much displeased with, the sin of having any other God.


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PRAYER: 2014 Vacation Bible School

Our 2014 Vacation Bible School begins today, Monday, June 23. Please be in prayer for our teachers, helpers, and the children who will be learning about God and His word.


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PRAYER: Deacons' Meeting Tonight (6/23/14)

Please be in prayer for our Deacons as they meet tonight, Monday, June 23, 2014.


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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tears for Breakfast - Pastor Tito Lyro - Psalm 42-43

AUDIO LINK -- If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or visit us at We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. 

#OBPC #OlympiaBP #BiblePresbyterian #Sermon #Bible #TitoLyro #Psalms #hope #sorrow


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Friday, June 20, 2014

Tears for Breakfast - Psalm 42-43

Introduction – Tears for breakfast and sorrow for a late night snack.

I.               The Title

A.   The Psalm was directed to the Chief Musician
B.    This Psalm is a Maskil
C.    This Psalm was written by the Sons of Korah

II.             Overview of the Psalm

A.   Psalms 42-43 should be seen as one unit.
B.    Reasons for looking at them as one
C.    The psalmist was isolated from the temple worship.
D.   These Psalms are organized around a series of laments followed by a declaration of hope.
E.    Don't these Psalms remind you of the ups and downs of your own spiritual life?

III.           The Anguish of the Soul, 42:1-2

A.   No simple words will suffice to account for the depth and intensity of his longing for God.
B.    It would be enough had all he faced was the sense of God's absence, but his grief was heightened by the taunts of others.

IV.           Future Hope Based on God's Past Faithfulness.

A.   What possible hope is there?
B.    He begins by calling to mind those glorious seasons of corporate celebration at the temple of God.

V.             Preach to Yourself

A.   The third element in each stanza is a sermon to himself!
B.    What does he say to himself? Hope in God! Wait for God!

VI.           TWO Lessons to Learn from These Psalms.

A.   The psalmist grieves, remembers, and composes himself with a sermon to his soul, not once, or even twice, but three times!
B.    The troubles that the Psalmist endured (and dare I say, the troubles that we likewise often face), "come with God's knowledge and according to his will, not by his oversight or weakness."
Application & Conclusion – HOPE!


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