Sunday, April 28, 2013

Serving the Lord - Married or Single - 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 - Pastor Tito Lyro

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Serving the Lord: Married or Single - 1 Cor. 7:32-35

Introduction – One thing that is not complicated to see is that both married and unmarried people are at the same level in the church.

I. How Should We Understand the Term without Care in v. 32?

A. The difficulty comes from the use of the word care in 32, 33, 34.

B. Paul is once again speaking about the "if onlys."

C. In describing the anxieties of each state, Paul does give us directions on how we are to serve the Lord as married people and as single people.

II. Serving the Lord as Married People, 33, 34b.

A. Notice that Paul has the same standard for men and women.

B. Notice also that in marriage there will always be a tension between serving the Lord outside of the family and serving the Lord in the family.

C. Notice that the passage says nothing about kids!

D. Notice also that once married, a person cannot and should not have the same focus as before.

III. Serving the Lord as Single People, 32, 34a.

A. Notice again that the standards are the same for the single man and the single woman.

B. Notice also that both in marriage and in singleness, the focus of life is not self, but others.

C. Single life is to be lived in the service of the Lord.

D. If you think God calls you to get married, single life is also a time to prepare yourself for marriage.

IV. Whatever Way, Doing It God's Way Brings Freedom and Focus, 35.

A. It seems like that at least some of the Corinthian Christians were too focused (anxious) on whether they were single or married.

B. If we have the right perspective on marriage and singleness, neither state will be a leash for us.

C. Rather, the right perspective allows us to serve the Lord in whatever state we are in without distraction.

Whatever state you are in, married or single, you can serve the Lord in it.

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SAVE THE DATE: Mother/Daughter Banquet May 16

Ladies, please be sure to save the evening of May 16th on your calendar for our annual Mother/Daughter banquet at the Lacey Community Center.  More details coming soon.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Do We Really Need Help? - Genesis 1:26-28 - Pastor Tito Lyro

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Do We Really Need Help? Gen. 1:26-28

Introduction – The drama of sin and suffering

I. Creation
A. The Scriptures look at humanity from three angles: creation, fall, and redemption.

B. The best place to start, then, is at the beginning: creation, Gen. 1:26-28

C. Because this passage is so familiar, it is easy to miss its radical view of people.

D. Why couldn't Adam and Eve live without this? Three reasons:

1. Adam and Eve were created to be revelation receivers.

2. Adam and Eve were created to be interpreters.

3. Adam and Eve were created to be worshippers

II. The Entrance of Another Counselor: The Fall, Gen. 3:1-7

A. For the first time in history, we witness the entrance of another voice, another counselor.

B. Notice that the passage says that Eve saw the fruit as "desirable to make one wise."

III. People, the Serpent, and Personal Ministry

What principles can we draw from Genesis 3 to develop our biblical understanding of personal ministry? At least 5.

IV. Christ Crushes the Serpent's Head and Gives the Holy Spirit
A. Does redemption change our need of counseling from one another? Yes and no

B. So, the world of personal ministry is rooted in three principles:

1. We were created with the need for truth outside ourselves to live life properly.

2. Many interpretative voices compete with God's Word for our heart's attention.

3. The power of sin has been broken, but the blinding presence of sin remains.

Conclusion – Do people really need help? Do you really need help?

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Prayer for Great Western Presbytery Meeting Today

Please remember to pray for our pastors and elders as they gather for the Great Western Presbytery meeting today in Kalispell MT.

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Present Distress and Eternal Life - 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 - Pastor Tito Lyro

If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you.

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Friday, April 12, 2013

The Present Distress & Eternal Life - 1 Cor. 7:25-31

As complicated as this passage is, it is the inspired Word of God; therefore, it is profitable "for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:16-17). 

I. Where We Have Been in This Chapter 

A. Marriage is a life long monogamous, emotional, social, psychological union between one man and one woman, 1-6. 

B. Though divorce is always the result of sin, there are some circumstances that give permission to a Christian to pursue a divorce, 7-16. 

C. God called you to be a Christian in whatever state you are in so forget about the if onlys, 17-24. 

II. Where We Are Going in This Chapter 

A. Today – the present distress and eternal life, 25-31 

B. Next Sunday – serving the Lord as a single person and as a married person, 32-35 

C. Two Sundays from today – the life long marriage, 36-40 

D. After that, we may be finally able to leave chapter 7. 

III. Answering Another Question, 25 

A. Paul uses the same formula that he had used before to introduce his answer to a question brought to him by the Corinthian Christians. 

B. Figuring out what the question was is the first difficulty in understanding this passage – what about virgins? 

IV. The Present Distress, 26-28 

A. There was something going on in Corinth that Paul calls the present distress. 

B. In answering their question, Paul does not give them a command. He, rather, gives them a suggestion, 25, 40. 

C. So, Paul's suggestion to them, under their present circumstances, is that they postpone any plans concerning marriage, 26-27. 

D. Paul anticipates the argument that some might make concerning getting married and staying married by saying that if you get married you are ok, 28. 

E. At the end of the day, Paul is not trying to demand that they all get married or that they all remain single – as their pastor, he wants to protect them from suffering under the present distress, 28b. 

F. The present distress that the Corinthians were going through led Paul to think of the end of this age and eternal life. 

V. Eternal Life, 29-31 

A. In essence Paul is saying, "All these struggles that we go through in this life remind me that this world is not our home, that this world will end, that in the big scheme of things the end will come soon, and that we have a life that is so much better than this one waiting for us for all eternity." 29a, 31b. 

B. The fact that this world order will end and that our life is in Christ and is forever, we must place the right emphasis in the things of this world order, 29b-31a. 

In times of societal troubles it may be wise to postpone marriage, though it is not a sin to marry. But even more important, in times of societal trouble, let your mind go to Jesus and eternal life with him.

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Monday, April 8, 2013

REMINDER: Women's Fellowship Tonight at 6:30pm

Just a reminder, Ladies, that Women's Fellowship is tonight at 6:30pm at the church.

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Beautiful Mind - Romans 12:1-8 - Pastor Tito Lyro

If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at or We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you.

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Friday, April 5, 2013

A Beautiful Mind - Rom. 12:1-8

The Christian is to be in a constant state of metamorphosis, including his mind. When I think of metamorphosis, I think of butterflies. A hairy, little caterpillar goes into a cocoon and is transformed into a beautiful butterfly. In a sense, our minds are to be constantly through this process of becoming more beautiful. 

The story of the Nobel prize winning mathematician and economist John Forbes Nash became immortalized by the 2001 movie A Beautiful Mind in which he is played by actor Russell Crowe. His mind is called beautiful because of his unparalleled mathematical abilities and his being able to cope with his schizophrenic hallucinations without medicine. Yet, the truly beautiful mind is the one that is being transformed, renewed by the grace and Spirit of God. 

The first area of thought renewal that Paul brings up is what or how we think of ourselves. Right thinking is very important because it will invariably result in right doing. The particular sin Paul deals with in this passage is the sin of an exaggerated self-esteem. 

I. A Brief Review of Verses 1-2 

A. Our whole being is to be consecrated to the lord, 1 

B. Therefore, there is no area of our being that should be kept for ourselves. 

C. The consecrating of the whole person happens by the renewing of the mind.
D. Consecrate yourself to God and consecrate yourself to one another 

E. All the truths of chapter 1-11 give birth to these two applications.

II. Consecrate Yourself to One Another 

A. Note that what Paul is saying here is a command. 

B. Note also that it is a command to everyone who is among you. 

C. Why should we recalibrate our thinking? 

D. How can I get there? How can I have the right estimate about myself? Well, it is a gospel realization. 

III. Don't Think Too Highly of Yourself Because You Need Each Other, 4-5 

A. Thinking highly of ourselves often leads to despising others, which is spiritual suicide because we need each other to grow in the grace of Jesus Christ. 

B. It is of the utmost importance that we give heed to what Paul says is verse 5: we not only members of the body of Christ, but also of one another. 

IV. The Spirit Gives Gifts to the Body of Christ, 6-8. 

A. Paul lists seven gifts 

B. Note that these are gracious gifts (according to the grace that is given to us in v. 6) 

C. The seven gifts briefly just as illustrations of how it is to be done: prophecy, diaconate service, teaching, exhorting, giving, leadership, showing mercy. 

D. Three final words about these gifts: 

So, what Paul is saying is "don't think so highly of yourself that you decide to do what God has not gifted you to do." Also, Paul implies that we are to be content with the gifts that God has given us, not be upset because we didn't get somebody else's gifts. God has not made a mistake. He has given you exactly what you need to minister to him and his body.

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Paauwes Visit OBPC Tonight

Ed and Lehia Paauwe will be here at OBPC with us TONIGHT.

The Paauwes have served the Lord as missionaries for decades and retired just last year. Now, they are saying good-bye to the churches that supported them, before they go back to Australia.

Fellowship Dinner at 6pm, followed by our service at 7pm.

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