If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. | |||
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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Judge Rightly - 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 - Pastor Tito Lyro
Friday, September 28, 2012
Judge Rightly - 1 Cor. 4:1-5
Introduction The famous biker song says that we were born to be wild. "Like a true nature's child/We were born, born to be wild/We can climb so high I never want to die/Born to be wild." Well, the song could be re-written as Born to Be a Judge. Judging things and people is natural to us. It is part of being made in the image of God. Yet, with every thing else about us, this natural inclination to judge has been corrupted by sin. Instead of applying God's Word accurately, lovingly, and graciously, we tend to stand in the place of God as the ultimate judge of all things. Often our judgments are selfish, unkind, and false. We tend to want self-centered justice for everybody else, but for us we want grace, after all we deserve it. In this passage, Paul seeks to recalibrate our natural inclination to be judges, so that we can judge for the glory of God. I. Proper Standard of Judgment, 1-2. A. At first glance it looks like Paul is saying that we should not judge at all, that Christ will do all the judging at his coming, 5. B. But when we look at both the immediate context of the passage and the context of 1 Cor., we see that what this passage is doing is calling us to judge rightly. C. How should we judge, then? The standard is in verses 1-2. D. The proper standard of judgment is whether this apostle, pastor, Christian is a servant of Christ and faithful steward of the mysteries of Christ. II. Proper Perspective of Judgment, 3-4a. A. Paul, in essence, says that outside of these two areas, he really doesn't care what they think. B. This is a liberating thought for pastors and every Christian. C. Pastors are more often than not too concerned about what the congregation thinks of them and they let the desire to be thought well drive how they minister. D. We all tend to that too – we put so much stock on what people think of us, that we are controlled by them. E. Paul says that he doesn't even judge himself outside of these two areas. III. Proper Time of Judgment, 4b-5. A. Instead of passing judgment on each other and punishing each other now, let's wait for Christ, he will take care of it, 5. B. At his coming he will bring light everything that is in darkness. Conclusion So we leave final pronouncements about people's heart to Christ when he comes back. Meanwhile, we live as servants of Christ, being faithful stewards of the mysteries of Christ, looking for that day when we will hear the sweet words from our Savior's mouth, "Well done, good faithful servant," when we will hear praises from God himself. Action Points · Examine your own heart to find where you have been judging unrighteously: lack of grace, lack of seeing yourself and a sinner. · Repent, confess to God and to those you have judged unrighteously. · Watch yourself actively this week with the purpose to judge righteously. | |||
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Sunday, September 23, 2012
No Self-Deception - 1 Corinthians 3:18-23 - Pastor Tito Lyro
If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. | |||
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Friday, September 21, 2012
No Self-Deception - 1 Cor. 3:18-23
Introduction Last week we sang Timothy Dwight's the great hymn I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord. In it, he says, "I love thy church, O God! Her walls before thee stand dear as the apple of thine eye, and graven on thy hand. For her my tears shall fall, for her my prayers ascend, to her my cares and toils be given, till toils and cares shall end." Is that what you think of the Church of God? Why is the way we think about the church important? Why focus on what we, as Christians, think about the church. The threats to the church are out there, right? Actually, Paul teaches that the greatest threat to a church is usually found from divisive, antagonistic people and factions within its own ranks. As we have seen in chapters 1 and 2, Paul is dealing with divisions and disunity in the church that have at their root pride, particularly pride because of how wise they were. Remember that some of the people in the church at Corinth wanted to "Christianize" things from their culture, especially the ancient wisdom of the Greeks that demonstrated itself in rhetorical prowess. The problem is that the wisdom of this age does not acknowledge that God is sovereign and that Jesus is his Christ. Therefore, this wisdom magnifies man. Yet, humanity loses its value because it becomes just another species of animal that was not created in the image of God. So, the worldly wise begins to kill their young and old. So, Paul says that the wisdom of this world does not make you wise (18-20); therefore, don't glory in humanity, but in the God who created humanity (21-23). I. The Wisdom of This World Does not Make You Wise, 18-20. A. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that being well thought of by the world is the same as being wise, 18. B. By commanding us not be self-deceived, Paul is saying that we have a tendency to be self-deceived. C. So we deceive ourselves into thinking that approval by this age means wisdom that pleases the Lord. D. To this Paul says, "Let no man deceive himself into thinking that the wisdom of this world is compatible with what Christ says in his Word." E. Christian people who are self-deceived are more dangerous to the church than the bad people out there. F. The solution? Become a fool! 18b-19a. G. Becoming a fool has nothing to do with intelligence or what we know. II. Don't Glory in Humanity, But in the God Who Created Humanity, 21-23. A. Paul goes back to the same issue he was dealing with in chpt. 1. B. A large number of Christians in Corinth were proudly declaring their superiority based on the man they deemed their "spiritual" father. C. Paul says, "Don't boast in those men. That is foolishness. God gave all of them to each one of you. Why cheat yourself from all that God gave you by sticking to just one of them?" 21-22. D. So we boast in God! E. All of this under the sovereign lordship of Christ – you are Christ's Conclusion I ask you today, are you willing to be just a fool? A fool who is willing to stick to Jesus? Do you believe in the foolish notion that a virgin conceived and gave birth to the Savior of the world? If so, welcome to the club. Do you believe in the foolish idea that you are not good enough for God? As matter of fact, that you are the opposite of good? Then welcome to faithful Christianity. Do you believe in the stupid idea that your life is not your own and that Christ lives in and through you? Rejoice because that is heaven. Action Points · Take an honest look at your life through the glasses of the Bible and identify areas where you have deceived yourself into thinking that the wisdom of this age is what you should follow. · Having identified these areas, repent, confess them to God, ask him to forgive you, and to give you grace to change. · Start to work through them in the light of the Scriptures in order to change how you believe, think, or behave so that everything in your life can line up with the claim that Christ is your Lord. The Bible says, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" So taste and see that the Lord is good by being a fool for him. | |||
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Sunday, September 16, 2012
The Temple of God - 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - Pastor Tito Lyro
If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. | |||
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Friday, September 14, 2012
The Temple of God - 1 Cor. 3:16-17
Introduction Some of the most beautiful buildings in the history of humanity were temples where deities were worshiped, Solomon's temple itself being one of the greatest of them. These temples provided a place in which devout followers of a particular deity could meet with their god. The gods were said to dwell in the temples. We know this to be true of Solomon's temple in Israel. You remember the occasion of the dedication of the temple when, after the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the temple (1 Kg. 8), God's glory and presence descended upon the temple in the form of a heavy cloud. People went there to meet God. 1 Kg. 8:10-11 – And it came to pass, when the priests came out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. Here, however, Paul is not referring to a building made with bricks and stones where people would go to meet God. He is talking about the people themselves as a collective unit. The people are the temple of God. I. The Church as the Temple of God, 16 A. According to Paul, this is something the Corinthian Christians should know. B. At this point you might say, "Pastor, you haven't shown that that is what Paul is saying. It is not as obvious from the text as you are making it to be." C. So, let's see if that is what Paul is saying here. D. The Holy Spirit dwells in each individual Christian, but he also dwells in a powerful and evident way in the church of God. E. The idea that the God of Israel did not dwell in buildings is not new. F. While the gods of this world say, "Look at the buildings they build for me. Aren't they glorious?" the God of the Bible says, "Look at my people. They are my temple. Aren't they glorious?" II. The Church as the Holy Temple of God, 17b. A. There two words for temple in the Bible. B. It is a holy temple. III. Destruction Is Met with Destruction, 17. A. Our translation is not very helpful here because it translate the same Greek word with two different English words. B. What is going on in Corinth that led Paul to warn them about destroying the church? DISUNITY among the people. C. In 3:15 Paul says that those who build the church with the wrong materials will still make to heaven, but here those who destroy the church will be destroyed by God in the day of judgment. D. Why so severe a punishment for promoting disunity in the church? Because God loves his church! E. The Bible speaks of the Church in many different ways. F. And God loves every one of these meanings. G. Ultimately, the local church is the full representation of the church of God. H. The church is where the glory of God dwells on earth and his is going to be very careful to protect it. Conclusion Timothy Dwight wrote the great hymn I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord. In it, he says, "I love thy church, O God! Her walls before thee stand dear as the apple of thine eye, and graven on thy hand. For her my tears shall fall, for her my prayers ascend, to her my cares and toils be given, till toils and cares shall end." Is that what you think of the Church of God? Action Points · God says that the church is his bride and his is jealous for her. Think about your attitude toward the church and see if it matches God's. · Test what I said concerning seeing the glory of God in the church. o Spend this week and the next few weeks praying for the church, the people in it, the pastor, elders, deacons, ministries, yourself in relation to the church. o Prepare yourself for church by making sure your weekly schedule matches the importance of the Lord's Day. | |||
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Monday, September 10, 2012
Ladies Fellowship Tonight @ 6:30 PM
Just a reminder that Ladies Fellowship is at the church tonight at 6:30pm. | |||
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Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Christian Ministry - 1 Corinthians 3:5-15 - Pastor Tito Lyro
If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. | |||
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Friday, September 7, 2012
The Christian Ministry - 1 Cor. 3:5-15
Introduction At least some of the Christians in the Corinthian church were childish in their faith at a time when they should have matured. The evidence that Paul brings concerning their immaturity was that they were being ruled by envy and strife. They were competing with one another as to whom had the greater spiritual father. This competition was based on a misunderstanding of the Christian ministry. In our passage today, Paul corrects their view of the Christian ministry. He wants them to see, and by inspiration of the Spirit, he wants us to see that the Christian minister is an instruments of God, a co-worker with God, and accountable to God. I. The Christian Ministry as Instruments of God, 5-7. A. Paul clarifies who these men who they have been idolizing are, 5. B. So, Paul asks, "Who are these men you have been boasting about? C. That has to be the attitude of every Christian minister. D. This is true of everyone in the church. II. The Christian Ministry as Co-workers with God, 9. A. Some scholars have suggested that what Paul means here is that the Christian ministers are co-workers together as they serve God. B. But, the more natural interpretation of the text is that the Christian ministers work together with God. C. Christian ministers are means through whom God works. D. This is also true of everyone who professes faith in Christ. E. Paul now describes how the Christian minister is a co-worker with God by using two analogies: Faming and building. III. The Christian Ministry Accountable to God, 8, 12-15. A. Remember, the Corinthian Christians were fighting about who was the best pastor. B. Here Paul says, "Don't worry about who the best pastor is. His recognition will come on the day of judgment." 8b C. This is a warning to let the Christian minister know that everything he does in the Church of Jesus Christ will be tested on judgment day, 13. D. But notice here that the reward is not heaven, but something in heaven. E. We should learn from this that every Christian minister who is building the church on the foundation of Jesus Christ is a brother even if he is using the wrong materials. F. This accountability is true also of every person who professes faith in Jesus Christ. Conclusion & Action Points The Christian minister is an instrument in God's hand for the good of the church. He is a co-worker with God, and he is accountable to God. And so are all of us. Actions Points · Look at your life and examine whether you are functioning as instruments in God's hands or the main act. If you haven been the main act in your life and in your relationships, repent of that and start being used by God. · You are sowing and watering whether you realize it or not. What type of seed have you been sowing? Purposefully seek to sow godly seed or water godly seed in the lives of those around you. · You are a builder. What materials are you using to do your part in building the church and your life in Christ? Left overs? | |||
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012
SAVE THE DATE: Great Western Presbytery Meeting at OBPC, September 26
OBPC will be hosting the GWP meeting on Wednesday, September 26. Everyone is welcome to attend the public meetings during this date. More details coming soon. | |||
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Sunday, September 2, 2012
Time to Grow Up! - 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 - Pastor Tito Lyro
If you find these lessons helpful, or if you have questions please write to us at contact@olympiabp.net. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can serve you. | |||
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